Estudio constante de las Escrituras/ Singing Scripture Practice Tips
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Singing Scripture Practice Tips

  1. Decide what passage(s) you want to sing/memorize/meditate upon. Choose a passage that is meaningful to your spiritual growth, such as a truth you want keep in the front of your mind or that will be an encouragement to you.
  2. Choose a music resource you enjoy (see the Singing Scripture Resources page of this website for a place to start). The quality of the music may vary, but some level of connection to the music is necessary so you enjoy coming back to the song multiple times.
  3. Spend enough time listening to the music so you actually use it to help you remember the words of Scripture. Just like any song, you have to listen to it numerous times before you start to remember the words and understand what they mean.
  4. Read the passage the song is based on. It helps to see the words you’re singing while you learn them. This not only helps you to learn the words faster but also allows you to look at each passage in context and learn more it. The more you understand the passage you’re singing, the more impact it will have on your life.
  5. Find a time in your day that you can sing your passage out loud or at least in your own head. Practice the song numerous times.
  6. Learn the song with others if possible. Remember, in Ephesians 5:19, we’re told we should be “speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord.” Learning a Scripture song with others helps you fulfill this biblical command, learn the passage more easily, and adds to your enjoyment of the process.
  7. Consider writing your own song to go with a passage of Scripture.
  8. Ponder the words of your song. Appreciate the fact that you have the ability to hear and interact with Scripture in so many different ways and that you’re learning more and more of God’s Word!

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© Phil Collins, Ph.D., 2014. This material was created in partnership with the Taylor University Center for Scripture Engagement.